在硬件方面,该评估板由ST的超低功耗ARM Cortex-M4微控制器(STM32L4R9)和BLE智能连接v4.2(SPBTLE-1S)组成,用于与移动应用进行通信。它还包含来自ST的7个专用运动感应和环境传感器,可用于许多应用,例如计步器优化,婴儿啼哭检测AI学习,气压计,货物跟踪,振动监控,指南针,传感器数据记录器等等。下面列出了SensorTile框中存在的传感器的名称。
- 数字温度传感器– STTS751
- 6轴惯性测量单元– LSM6DSOX
- 三轴加速度计– LIS2DW12和LIS3DHH
- 三轴磁力计– LIS2MDL
- 高度计/压力传感器– LPS22HH
- 麦克风/音频传感器– MP23ABS1
- 湿度传感器– HTS221
These complete list of sensor fits inside a small plastic box with a long-life rechargeable battery and the sensor data can be accessed through the ST BLE Sensor app on our Smartphone via Bluetooth. The app consists of some default IoT and wearable sensor demo applications which allow the designers to begin development immediately. In also provides an Expert Mode using which the designer can build custom apps suitable according to their design requirements. The application provides a wide variety of operating parameters, data output types, special functions and algorithms readily available to speed up the development process. It also includes a firmware programming and debugging interface that allows professional developers to engage in more complex firmware code development using STM32 Open source Development Environment which also includes a sensing AI functional pack with network libraries.
有关STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 SesnorTile盒的更多详细信息,请参见ST的产品评估工具页面;您还可以使用此SesnorTile.Box用户手册开始使用。